28115 Dorothy Dr. Agoura Hills


2468 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks

Used Tires

Go Green and Save Some Green with Used Tires

Used Tires in Thousand Oaks, CA

When it comes to cutting costs, there are some products you can't go without—like tires. While tires are a necessity for safety and transportation, it doesn't mean the expense stings any less. If you're looking to save more of your hard earned cash, you'll benefit from the used tires for sale at Tire Man.

We offer affordable tires from leading brands with many sizes available. If it's time to change your tires, then it's time to visit our used tire shop serving Agoura Hills, Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, CA, and surrounding areas. We make it easy to find the right match at the right price.

Get Brand Name Tires for Less

Choose from a wide selection of tire brands, and save up to hundreds compared to buying new. Call ahead to your nearest location if you have any questions about our used tire inventory and what's in stock now.

All pre-owned tires are quality-assured to meet your driving and budget needs. They're significantly cheaper than new tires, come from great brands, and are an environmentally conscious purchase that keeps you rolling.

Why Should I Install Used Tires (Other than Cost)?

While less expensive tires are attractive from the price alone, there are other reasons used tires might be the best option for you and your vehicle. Here's a couple:

  • Selling Your Car- If you're getting ready to sell your car, consider holding onto the more expensive tires you already purchased for it. If they have a lot of mileage left and will fit your next vehicle (or a friend's), it might benefit you to have them replaced with used tires. You'll keep your more expensive tires while ensuring your buyer has tires for the roads ahead.
  • Not Driving Frequently: If you don't drive often, why pay more money for tread you won't use? Installing used tires is a great way to get around for less money, especially if you don't have too far to go too frequently.

Shop Used Tires in Thousand Oaks, CA

Tire Man offers used tires, including:

  • Passenger Tires
  • Light Truck Tires
  • SUV Tires
  • All-Terrain Tires
  • Performance Tires
  • All-Season Tires

Call today to learn more about our selection.

Used Tires in Agoura Hills, CA

I Need Reliable Used Tires

Used tires are only as reliable as the dealer responsible for inspecting the tires, and we maintain good standing with auction sites and used-tire buyers as a reputable reseller.

We inspect each used tire before selling to you. Tread wear is carefully examined to ensure your tires will last. We inspect the sidewalls for sturdiness and ensure the surface on both sides is uncompromised and free of punctures or debris.

Each used tire has passed standards of tread depth, wear, and durability.

If you’re not sure whether used tires are right for you, contact us with your questions and concerns. As the local source on used tires, we're available to answer all your questions.

Contact us about Used Tires

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